

uint32_t MBx_Slave_RTU_Init(_MBX_SLAVE                *MBxSlave, 
                            uint8_t                    SlaveID,
                            const _MBX_MAP_LIST_ENTRY *MAP,
                            MBX_SEND_PTR               MBxSend,
                            MBX_GTEC_PTR               MBxGetc,
                            uint32_t                   BaudRate,
                            uint8_t                   *RxBuffer,
                            uint32_t                   RxBufferSize,
                            uint8_t                   *TxBuffer,
                            uint32_t                   TxBufferSize

Initialize the MBX slave object for RTU and pass various configuration parameters to initialize this _MBX_SLAVE type slave object.


  • MBxSlave: Pointer to the slave object to be initialized.
  • SlaveID: The slave ID to be configured for this slave object, in the range of 1 to 247.
  • MAP: A pointer to a list ending with the MBX_MAP_LIST_END macro, defining all possible addresses.
  • MBxSend: A function pointer for the data sending port.
  • MBxGetc: A function pointer for the data receiving port.
  • BaudRate: The baud rate of the actual serial link, used to automatically calculate the time for 1.5 characters and 3.5 characters.
  • RxBuffer: Pointer to a memory space for storing received data.
  • RxBufferSize: Total length of the memory space for storing received data. This memory space determines the maximum length of a single request that can be parsed.
  • TxBuffer: Pointer to a memory space for storing data to be sent.
  • TxBufferSize: Total length of the memory space for storing data to be sent. This memory space determines the maximum length of a single response that can be sent.

Return Value

  • MBX_API_RETURN_DEFAULT(0x00): Normal return.
  • MBX_API_RETURN_MAP_UNFORMAT(0x101): The provided MAP table is not properly formatted.